Our Services

MMP’s detailed service offering for the development of quality residential properties is as follows:

i. An assessment and client consultation process to establish the client’s requirements for their proposed house.

ii. An architecturally designed plan meeting the client’s area of affordability and preference is recommended – samples of MMP’s plans are available under gallery in this website

iii. A stand in the area of the clients preferred area is selected from a variety of areas best suited for the client

iv. An interview to obtain the necessary information and documentation to submit a home loan application is conducted

v. The entire process from bank approval to land registration and, finally, occupation is explained to keep the client posted.

vi. Once the home loan is approved, a conveyancing attorney arranges for registration of the property at the Deeds Office in the client’s name.

vii. At the same time the corresponding bond is registered at the Deeds Office.

viii. Once the bond is registered, and the house plan is approved by the town council’s housing department, construction of the house then commences and the client is advised at least a day before this happens.

ix. During construction the client is encouraged to visit the construction site to satisfy him/herself that the house is built as per agreement.

x. On completion of the house, the house will be inspected by the bank and council inspectors. After this process MMP will inform the client and the project manager will meet the client at the house to ensure that the house is built as per agreement and to the client’s satisfaction.

xi. When the client indicates their satisfaction that the house is built as per agreement, the client will be requested to sign a letter of satisfaction and the keys of the house will be handed over to the client.

xii. Before hand over MMP’s project manager will ensures that all fittings, fixtures and all construction aspects are in full working order.
Should there be a problem with any of these fittings, they will be repaired or replaced before date of occupation.